Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Conservatism in Utah doesn’t bother me.

Conservatism in Utah doesn’t bother me. After dealing with California Democrats for 25 years, I can deal with the most conservative morons on the planet. I've been living in Utah now for going on 2 years, and I gotta be frank, California Democrats are probably more stupid than your average Utahan conservative. Not to mention, your Christian religions are as stupid as Mormonism. And I would go as far as saying that a lot of Christians are just jealous of the success of the Mormon church. FUCK THE CARVERY CHAPEL! 

Californian Democrats are easily as uninformed as your average Republican, it’s just they hide their stupidity behind Gay rights and identity politics, along with their “liberal” sensibilities.
When you get right down to it, there really is very little difference between a liberal/Democrat and a Republican.
Of course, when it comes to foreign policy, there REALLY almost NO difference. Its just that the liberal tends to do more mental gymnastics, and make up more bullshit in order to justify their wars and murder of the innocent.
Between the compartmentalized thinking and the cognitive dissonance of the liberal/Democrat, I guess there’s more brain function going on. It doesn’t matter though, dog. One is just as stupid as the other. So for the Democrat/liberal, I guess there’s just a lot of insane justifications, just like they did with the George W. Bush wars, it’s literally the exact same type of bullshit justifications. Like with the Ukraine war for example, liberals/Democrats never do the research back to 2014 when the whole fiasco began. All they do is sit there and blame Putin for being a madman, which is complete and total bullshit and complete and total fucking nonsense. it never dawns on their stupid, fucking brains that perhaps Putin was provoked by NATO!
BTW, the Biden administration is the worst presidency America has ever had by a long shot!
Thanks for your time,
Theodore Hirsch


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