Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Jack JackOffCity (Jack Jakosky) Of Jakosky Properties, Inc. has no life

Click here for company info

We’re talking about some over privileged white male (who deserves privilege about as much as I deserve a 8” in diameter, spiked dildo in my ass), who probably has had money from birth just handed to him from the get go, who I am supposing was born and raised in Newport beach, who just waltzes into Santa Ana using bank loans and digital bank numbers into order to purchase multiple properties in our city. To name a few: The Santora building, Original Mike’s, the Ramona building, etc.
We’re talking about a man (trust fund baby?) who owns multiple, several million dollar properties. I have no idea how much money this guy has and I don’t care, but I do know that this guy has no life, yet owns a ton of commercial property.  No one person on this planet should be able to dictate the fate of that much land, which is of course why arbitrary digital numbers collections in this Ponzi scheme, capitalist economy is total and complete nonsense in the first place. There are hundreds of millions upon millions of empty square feet in this country (county), endless church buildings (those who claim to follow Jesus Christ [my boyfriend, btw] who Championed the poor in the Bible), yet we still have endless homeless people roaming the streets of Santa Ana, because rich ass holes like Jack JackOffCity don’t want to see homeless people in his town. Nor do over-privileged ass holes like Jack JackOffCity have one ounce of charity in their hearts, not to mention they hate it when poor people have fun. Jack JackOffCity HATES IT when poor people have fun! He fucking hates its! I know this for a fact.
Let’s go over why I know this for a fact!
When Jack JackOffCity decided to use those arbitrary, unfairly accumulated, bullshit digital numbers in his earth raping bank account in order to purchase the Santora Building from Mike Harrah, I ran a weekly open mike which was sponsored by Kalim Kevedo, who use to have a gallery there (until of course, Jack JackOffCity booted him). And that’s essentially how the Santora use to work. If you rented a studio there, it was your right to throw events in the commons area, which is a fairly decent sized basement area for people to throw events. Art walks were always awesome and there was always some kind of music, art or activist events going on for the community. Week days were nice as many of the art studios were occupied by local artists who sponsored different events during the month, and was popular place for activists to meet. Once Jack JackOffCity saw the fact that poor people actually had some sort of outlet, he put an immediate stop to it. The open mic night for example, was down and dirty, underground and raw, and it kept the community together in ways that had not been done since the early days of the artist village; and those days were amazing. At the open mic we had clowns, poets, sword swallowers, acoustic acts, bands, acoustic bands, actors, hip hop artists, ranters, wine and booze, pot smoking, etc. And you know what? No harm ever became of the place. At art walk nights thousands of people of all ages would gather together and pass through that basement to drink wine, look at art, go upstairs and outside for smoke breaks (marijuana or cigarettes) and a lot of people use to smoke weed inside their studios. And why? Because it’s their right to do so. They rent the place, they have the right to smoke weed in the place. And all you self-righteous ass holes out there, all you hypocritical tie wearing, business ass holes judging us for smoking weed. Don’t forget that our very own Santa Ana city council are the biggest drug dealers in the county. I have an amazing weed store full of any kind of THC ingested via multiple types of smoking apparatuses, papers, candy bars, drinks, hash, kief, indica, sativa, etc. etc. etc. right down the street from my house, and the Santa Ana city council are the ones making it possible! And why? Because the South OC Trust fund alliance does not want weed stores in their towns! shut the fuck up all you hypocritical business fuck-tards! But the point is that the Santora building used to be a center for a sense of community for this neighborhood, for many of our locals young and old, and use to be a major vocal point for local art; but then Jack JackOffCity and his fun abhorring ways, comes in with his 6 - 8 million and shuts us all down. Except of course for the Avande-Garde art Gallery, but I am not going to dive too far into the topic of that gallery. All I know is that when Jack JackOffCity purchased the building, they still had a couple of year lease with the building so he could not boot them and white wash/jail cell their gallery. Now when you go down there the new art galleries are so New Port Beach lame it makes me want to upchuck my own stomach! Oh my God!
He has taken what use to be an art and community center for many people, and turned it into what now looks like a Jail, and painted all the walls white! He has also taken the liberty of putting a gate in front of the bathrooms, so poor people can’t shit.
But here’s the kicker and the real reason for this article/rant/commentary:
Jack JackOffCity, a man who owns what seems to be hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of commercial property, comes to the Santora building himself, with his girlfriend weekdays and weekends, in order to shut down the building and lock the bathrooms. He comes himself!
In Other words: This man (if you can call him that, he’s actually probably one of those lizard people or whatever, there is no way people like him are from the planet earth.) who could be on a yacht with a brick of cocaine and a legion of hookers (And I’m sure he has no moral objection to such behavior), or in Europe traveling to all the finest cultural areas, or back packing through Australia; or just anywhere besides Santa Ana California locking down what should be a community bathroom so poor people (and the community for that matter) can’t take a shit, is in Santa Ana California multiple times a week just to do such a thing.
This guys is a complete soulless loser of such profound and epic proportions, it’s actually an anomaly. But not an anomaly in a cool and hip sense, but in almost one of the worst ways possible. What in the fuck is wrong with this guy?
I mean, it’s obvious he likes Jacking off all over Santa Ana in order to mark his territory, because he is a spoiled, rotten, fascist, fucking little cunt who has a very unhealthy sense of self entitlement! But what the fuck is up with the trips to the bathroom every day, Jackoff? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!
You seriously have nothing better to do with your life? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL X infinity! I am on the floor laughing my ass off! What a whack job! Get the fuck out of our neighborhood you white, fascist, Nazi, cunt-tard!

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