Monday, September 19, 2022

Heat waves and climate change

 When I was a kid they used to tell us we would be flying solar cars by the year 2000. Isn't that just dandy? Its 2022 and we're still under the thumb of the oil lobby? Look at these piece of crud, capitalist-mobiles we drive! Any engineer with a gosh darn, less than idiotic brain knows the fewer parts you put in an engine, the better. You don't need 1000 different parts to build an engine: Eff the auto parts industry! We are such suckers, the way we continue to, not only get our asses handed to us by the car manufacturers and their exorbitant pricing, but the auto parts industry, the oil industry, etc. Then on top of that, our cars are not even environmentally safe, we don't even have normal weather patterns anymore and the planet is indeed heating up; and if you don't believe that, you don't believe 2+2= 4. I personally, live it day by day. When I first moved to Utah the snow drifts in Highland were 12' tall, and that shit, does NOT exist anymore.

I mean, does anyone get sick and tired of the fact that there are record breaking heat waves, almost every year? The quality of our air could be so much better but we do NOT invest into clean energy infrastructure! And I'm not talking about *walking corpse Joe Biden's* BS plan, that dude is completely full of SHIT! I'm talking about beginning TODAY, to start to build a hemp and solar economy infrastructure, or any clean energy that works for whatever situation. Do you realize that our government goes into sovereign countries who are economically independent and part of the international trade market, and we occupy their countries and rip off their resources, all in order to keep this antiquated technology ruining our culture and destroying our climate?
I'm sick of capitalism and its idiotic stupidity!
Thanks for your time,
Theodore Hirsch

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