Monday, April 1, 2024

Political Ideologies & Stupid American Leaders

It irritates me quite profusely when Trump uses the term “Communist” or “far left” when referring to Joe Biden or the Democratic party, a party and administration that's ironically the furthest thing from Democratic. I mean, the fact that no one in America ever complains about stuff like this tells you a lot in the first place. Though its a small thing, don't you think our political leaders should know political ideologies? Come to think of it, is it really a small thing to expect our leaders to have a basic education about political ideologies? Its ridiculous. If you want to get right down to it, the Biden administration is a socialist organization for the super rich, especially the war industry, wall street, and corporate America. And this is probably the worst Administration we have ever had for regular people. I've been doing business in the used office furniture industry for 20+ years, and let me tell you, this is easily the most difficult economy I have ever worked in. The Biden administration is blowing money on war, wall street and corporate welfare unlike any administration in history, while giving we the people literally nothing. And even though the military budget goes up every single year like the national debt, I think not only has it gotten completely out of hand, while probably beyond repair, the Biden administration is a special kind of economically oppressive on a whole other level that has just brought this economy to its knees. From International relations, to wars with Syria & Russia (Ungodly expensive), along with the 6.4 billion extra, besides our 3.2 billion dollar a year fiscal budget to Israel, a country that has healthcare for all of its citizens, where they all enjoy a much better lifestyle than your average American. We are all funding a slaughter of innocent fathers, mothers and children in Palestine. WTF, am I in the twilight zone? The 884 billion dollar military budget alone should be of major concern to all Americans, and according to people like Chris Hedges and other foreign policy scholars, the actual military budget is more like 1.3 trillion a year. That would make all the sense in the world, since the pentagon can't even do a proper fiscal report and are constantly coming up with a trillion here and a trillion there missing from there fiscal budget. The number trillion should never even come up for any reason unless your in math class, but when pertaining to missing money? LOL! What a stupid military culture we live in, its beyond insane and rational, and its psychopathic in its purest form. Understanding a simple thing like what a Communist is, is probably one of the first things a president should know, don't you think? Of course, in America, our limited understanding of politics, foreign policy, American Imperialism and hegemony, corporate hijacking of sovereign countries resources, American consumption rates compared to other countries, etc., its a seriously problem. Not to mention the inefficient ways in which we consume energy. I could write a thesis on America's inefficient energy consumption, oil and coal consumption, and the need for a hemp and solar economy and infrastructure. America is only about 4.4% of the world's population and about 1/3rd or more of the worlds waste, not to mention our military apparatus pollutes more than any other organization in history. Its insane to me how uneducated Americans really are about this kind of stuff, and how little they understand about the unsustainable nature of our day to day lives, and how badly we need a renewable infrastructure that's based on solar, hemp, magnetism, wind, water, high pressure steam, renewable and rechargeable solar fuel cells, wave, and any other renewable/clean energy we could possibly use in the building of a new infrastructure. Lets take hemp for example: Hemp has a healing and regeneration effect for the earth when you grow and pull it, in lieu of growing and pulling tress, which has a damaging effect on the earth. Hemp is not only super versatile, and you can literally make almost anything out of it, compared to wood, its just more sustainable. Not to mention, why would a society base so much of its consumption on these large plants that are entirely necessary for our breath and clean air? I think more than anything, we should just start to leave the trees alone! Don't you think? Its 2024, its time to evolve beyond tree murder and cultivation! The short yet long story to all this, really, is the fact that Trump is a moron, and there is nothing politically “left” about Democrats or the Biden administration. Its a joke to call the Biden admin “left wing” by any stretch of the imagination, and anyone who does is not what I would refer to as politically astute or educated by any measure. So I guess all I'm trying to say, is that Republicans are morons. So what else is new? But if you think for one second that I would withhold my criticism towards the Biden admin, an administration that is worse than Trump's, you're a silly person. I would go as far as saying that Biden supporters are worse than Trump supporters, and its precisely what Malcolm X use to talk about, about how the white liberal is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Of course, today in 2024, things are really starting to change, because you can't get away with murdering thousands of children without someone posting it on the Internet. So this is what it takes for Americans to begin to wake up I guess? 30,000+ children getting murdered with their tax dollars. What was I bitching about again? Oh, right, the fact that Trump does not even know what “far left” even means in the first place, and the last term he'll ever learn anything about is the term which critiques capitalism. Why? Because he's just another capitalist goon, with the education of a Goddamn gnat. Theodore Hirsch

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